We are happy to offer families financial assistance as we do not believe in turning anyone away from a sport they love or want to start playing. Please email norcalrize@gmail.com for more details and eligibility regarding this matter.


There will be no refunds given for practices, postponements, cancellations, tournaments, tryouts or team registrations. 

Refunds will only be processed due to a season ending injury.


Our RIZE tryouts and our RIZE practices are a closed environment. This is in no way to steer away your support for your daughter or for RIZE. We simply just try and create the best environment for your daughter’s growth and empowerment. We feel that their practice time is an opportunity for them to thrive and expand upon their comfort zone without the pressure of being watched. We truly appreciate your support and understanding of our “best practices” policies. 

BLACK: Top varsity starters/high level impact players in league, with a goal to play college lacrosse. 
RED: Top and mid-level varsity players. Top performers on team and mid level league players, with a goal to play college lacrosse. 
CRIMSON/ONYX: Varsity players/mid to lower level impact players in league, JV Starters/JV high impact players, with a goal to play college club level. 
SCARLET: JV players, lower level impact players in league, beginners.
12U & 14U Middle school teams.

**Impact levels are based on comparisons with the top performing teams in Northern California.

**Only 2029's will be eligible to play on RIZE HS teams. All other grad years (2030 and younger) are eligible for the STARZ Middle School team.